03 9415 7551

What We Do

Your Health

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NMHPV values our participants confidentiality highly and unless compelled by law or given express consent, participant’s private details are not divulged to anyone. The program complies with the Privacy Act and is conducted with the utmost discretion.

Anonymous enquiries are welcome and can be attended to without the requirement of the caller identifying themselves.

Organisation Visits

We will visit health services to introduce and promote NMHPV and present tailored information related to nurses, midwives and nursing/midwifery student’s health.

Champion Program

This very successful initiative of training nurses and midwives about the NMHPV and how, when, where and why to access it continues. If you or your organisation is interested in becoming a ‘NMHPV Champion’ please contact us or complete the expression of interest form.

Annual Reports

NMHPV produces an annual report each year. The three most recent reports are available below. Earlier annual reports are available on request.

» 2023 Annual Report

» 2022 Annual Report

» 2021 Annual Report

Our Vision

Healthy and safe nursing and midwifery professions.

Our Mission

We are an organisation designed by nurses, led by nurses and delivered by nurses and midwives committed exclusively to the health, wellbeing and resilience of nurses, midwives and nursing and midwifery students which operates within a health and wellbeing framework incorporating prevention, intervention and restoration.

We sensitively and thoughtfully respond to individuals with information, advice and treatment, and assist with access to specialist referral partners for any sensitive health concern which will promote the individual’s health, wellbeing and resilience and reduce the risks to those who use nursing and midwifery services.

We promote engagement and pursue partnerships with industry stakeholders, including employers and educators of nurses and midwives, and seek to develop research opportunities to guide and direct our work.

Model of Care

We know that early intervention with substance use, mental health, and family violence concerns increases the likelihood of positive outcomes.

NMHPV emphasises the importance of early presentation into the program and we encourage colleagues with potential or actual problems to refer themselves to our service.

The reality is, however, that some will be “assisted self-referrals” – that is, they will come to us voluntarily, but on the advice or encouragement of a professional colleague or manager. In some cases, recommendations will be made by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

NMHPV conducts assessments, develops individual management plans and coordinates treatment, including the arrangement of appropriate referrals. We supervise aftercare and follow up and when required, support the participant's re-entry to work. The management of these issues may require a range of therapeutic interventions and the appropriate expert assistance will be obtained in each individual case.

Advice and referral will also be provided to family members and where appropriate, work colleagues (if this support relates to a specific participant, the participants consent is required).

The program will assist in the development of a supportive social network, which may involve existing support groups in the general community or the opportunity to join NMHPV support groups if appropriate. These groups address participant's issues and provide them with peer support to meet the challenges of managing their health and careers.

We also provide advice and support to managers and HR staff seeking assistance to support our colleagues and develop processes to address these health concerns in the workplace.

Reports on Nurse and Midwife Health

AHPRA Explanatory notes: Management of nurses, midwives and students with impairment (2016)

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Evaluation of health programs for managing impaired nurses and midwives (April 2012)

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Evaluation of the Nursing & Midwifery Health Program - Final Report (December 2012)

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About Our Service