03 9415 7551

What We Do

Your Health

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As a valued participant of the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program (NMHPV) it is important you understand your rights and responsibilities as a participant in the program, and you understand NMHPV's obligations to protect your privacy.

Please read the Privacy Statement and Participant Rights and Responsibility document prior to your engagement with your NMHPV clinician, at this time you will be provided the opportunity to confirm you have read and understood this information and/or ask further questions if you require clarification.

Participant Rights

1. All participants have the right to a service that is excellent, responsive and compassionate, delivered by a team of staff who are qualified, experienced and respectful, in an environment that is discrete, dignified and safe.

2. Participant care and support planning is based on individual needs and is outcome-oriented and practical.

A collaborative process occurs and NMHP staff make recommendations for care, however participant engagement is their own decision.

3. Participants are provided with accurate information regarding their health and professional situation.

4. Participants' personal information is collected and maintained in a way that complies with all relevant government acts including the Australian Privacy Principles and provides protection from breaches of confidentiality. Any data collected for funding and research requirements is non-identifying.

5. Any contact made on behalf of participants by the NMHP with external agencies, service providers or significant others is governed by release of information processes and all contact is discrete and focussed.

6. Participants are encouraged to give feedback via the feedback box, website or via email to the CEO and may be approached to participate in program evaluations via Survey Monkey.

7. Complaints about the service can be made in person or written via letter or email and addressed to the CEO. If required, complaints may be referred to the Board of Directors for resolution and all are taken seriously.

Participant Responsibilities

1. Participants can support the NMHP in providing them with the best quality care.

2. Participants are encouraged to provide program staff with accurate information regarding their health and professional circumstances.

3. Participants are encouraged to attend appointments when scheduled and to be free from the effects of alcohol and non-prescribed drugs. We encourage participants to alert NMHP staff as soon as possible if it is necessary to make changes to appointment times.

4. If participants wish to engage in care and support planning and group attendance they must sign the NMHP Consent Form. Group attendees are encouraged to work with each other within the group guidelines.

Rights and Responsibilities