03 9415 7551

What We Do

Your Health

Get Help Now

The work of a nurse or midwife is demanding. Caring for others, whether in the workplace or the home, comes with a cost. That’s why it is so important we maintain good health and wellbeing.

Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria (NMHPV) is pleased to provide you with a range of self-care strategies and resources to assist in supporting your health and wellbeing.

Our resources aim to:

| Provide nurses and midwives with the confidence to take control of their health and wellbeing.

| Promote the importance of health and wellbeing for nurses and midwives.

| Compliment staff health and wellbeing programs provided by health services.

| Provide nurses and midwives with self-care strategies and resources.

If you would like to talk to a nurse or midwife about your health and wellbeing concerns contact us now.

| You do not require a formal referral.

| We are available to assist you from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

| We are happy to provide information without requiring you to provide your personal details.

| We are located at Suite 6, 150 Chestnut Street, Cremorne.

Contact Us Now

Phone: 03 9415 7551

Email: admin@nmhp.org.au

Nine Simple Health and Wellbeing Tips

Your Health