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NMHPV: Have you ever wondered what we do?

Host: Mark Aitken | Panellists: Glenn Taylor, Carolyn McDonald, Kayanne Breinstampf  | Duration: 56:43

Our work as a nurse or midwife can deplete us physically, psychologically, emotionally, and even spiritually. Often, nurses and midwives are reluctant help-seekers who may be prone to shy away from using health services due to feelings of fear, shame, isolation or loneliness.

In this 60-minute panel discussion, we will answer your questions and share practical strategies to overcome these barriers. It’s our aim to give you an understanding of the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria (NMHPV) including: how it works, how it can help you or a colleague, and to reinforce the message that not being OK is perfectly OK, and there’s many approaches to getting help.

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Glenn Taylor is CEO with NMHPV, and since 2008 he has been directly supporting his nursing and midwifery colleagues with their individual health challenges. He is a registered nurse with over 30 years’ experience in mental health nursing and addiction support.

Carolyn McDonald is a registered nurse who joined NMHPV in 2009. She has experience in peri-operative, mental health and alcohol and other drug nursing. Carolyn is also an Iyengar yoga teacher which has greatly influenced her holistic approach to client centred nursing practice.

Kayanne Breinstampf is a registered nurse who joined NMHPV in 2018. She has a background in mental health and alcohol and other drug nursing. She is a Credentialed Mental Health Nurse who enjoys giving back to her profession by supporting her nursing/midwifery colleagues.

Webinar Episode 1: Healthy Discussions